Monday 30 December 2013

Happy(?) new year

If there is one thing I hate, and I'm sure by now you know I hate a multitude of things, it's New Year.

Firstly, the kind of cliches that New Year brings are ridiculous. If you log onto any kind of social media tomorrow, you are guaranteed to be greeted by at least one of these. 'New year, new me'. '2014 is going to be my year!' Sorry but New Years Day is exactly the same as the day before it and all the days after it so please, please spare me your attention-seeking and cringeworthy inspirational quotes. 

You may have guessed, I'm also not one to make a New Year's Resolution. I'm all for a making a positive change in your life, but being forced into it (and almost certainly failing) due to the constant expectations and everyone asking if you have one/if you're sticking to it is another nonsensical norm I wish we didn't have. FYI - no, I do not have a New Year's Resolution, like the other 20 years I've been on this earth. Because if I did want to do something, I would probably just, y'know... do it now. Crazy idea I know guys but please try and stick with me here. 

I'm going to just go ahead and throw this right out there - does anyone really enjoy New Year's Eve? Maybe it's just my friends (sorry girls) but the pressure of everyone having to have big plans and an amazing time on this one specific night always leads to at least one crier, one vommer and too many arguments to keep track of. If you choose to go out, you may be advised to seek some kind of mortgage beforehand. Clubs start to charge entry based on 100 times the amount of a usual night, drinks become the price of liquid gold and a taxi home will cost the price of an average 3 week holiday. Why would anyone put themselves, and their bank accounts, through it?  


Whatever your plans are I do hope you all have a good (as possible) New Year's. Although I most certainly will have a let-down of a night, mainly because I have no plans and am already full of hate of the whole shebang, I really don't care. I am sure to have a much better time, like the rest of you, on a spontaneous night at a reasonable price. 

The obvious lessons learnt here: 
Save your hard-earned for another night and sleep through the countdown. Why do we even do that? Why is the first moment of a new year so vital? Why do we continue to sing that song that no one knows but pretends to know because it's another nutty tradition? 


And with that, I can conclude, I am now officially old. 

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