Tuesday 17 December 2013

My crazy carb combos

Firstly, apologies for the lack of blogging recently. Third year at university is not allowing any spare time right now!
However, as it is the season to eat, drink and be merry, I thought I'd let you in on a few of my diet secrets. I haven't had the most normal of eating habits growing up. In the midst of being a vegetarian for around 15 years (don't worry I am fully converted now), my mum took me to a dietician to try and sort me out but nothing would. I ate only oven chips (really) for dinner for years, so maybe this is why carbs are so close to my heart.

Everyone knows at university it is expensive, difficult and time-consuming to maintain a full and balanced diet. So basically, I don't even try.

First up is my favourite dinner and an absolute staple for me. Garlic bread, chips and yes, that is a side of cheese in the corner. (Cheese was a luxury in this dinner - usually it's just the garlicy b and chips). Don't be mistaken in thinking garlic bread is a side dish restricted to lasagne, pasta or chilli. It is a glorious food group in its own right. Totally underrated if you ask me. And potentially the reason I'm single.

Next up is another plate of carby goodness. This time, a pizza to which I have added more cheese (absolutely necessary) accompanied by a side of cheesey mash. You may or may not have detected a cheesey theme running through this piece. I am the biggest cheese lover in the entire world and I will happily take anyone down who tried to knock that title from me. Blue cheese, goats cheese, brie, camembert.. I love them all. I haven't met a cheese I didn't like. I am also known as queen of the mash but I'm afraid I can't give away my secrets here.

Lessons learnt: any food that is yellow or beige in colour is a winner and a no-carb diet for me would result in almost immediate perishing. My advice is to grab a garlic baton and a wheel of cheese and go forth; vegetables are for losers. 

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